Thursday 1 March 2018

March 1st 2018 - The day of blizzards

Another horrid day in Bradshaw, with a near gale force wind blowing the lying snow all over the place.

Our condensing boiler took a dislike to the freezing weather and gave us some grief this morning.
Thanks to John the Bradshaw plumber for his help on the phone and Chris next door for his expertise and a bit of tape and pipe we got it to function, albeit a temporary fix.

Apart from moving the drifts we stayed indoors today and I just kept topping up the Meal Worm supply as the thankful Robins, Dunnocks, Starlings and Blackbird depleted them.
The Dunnocks still look happy, even when they are being blown sideways across the garden!

I've no idea how the birds can cope with this lot.
One good point about the gale, though,looking down the Bradshaw fields most of the snow has been blown into tall drifts against the dry stone wall, leaving the ground available.
Pretty solid ground I should think.

Hope I don't run out of meal worms before this lot leaves us alone!

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