Friday 26 July 2024

Brookfoot LNR / Local Fields

I had a run down to Brookfoot, Brighouse late morning.

A fair stroll around the river and canal on a very pleasant day did not reveal anything exceptional.

Hot afternoons are probably the worst time to go birding , but when that's what's on offer it's better than sitting in the garden.

Pub Quiz.

According to the MR MEN characters, what colour is MR HAPPY?

A Red

B Blue

C Yellow

D Green

Answer under the photos.


A Kingfisher flew over the river (opposite the fishing ponds)  and 'ducked' under some overhanging foliage before my camera ping!

2 Moorhen.

2 Heron.

Mallard with a late brood.

A guy from my static caravan days at Skipton (18 years ago ) recognised me in passing ... I guess my MI5 spying days are over.

Local Fields:-

6 Greylag Geese made a pleasant change.


A "Greenfinch" (Unseen) flew over head calling, although the call was only Greenfinch-like but I could not ID it as owt else.

Mummy - slow down a bit.

Quiz Answer.

C Yellow

Thursday 25 July 2024

Bradshaw - Soil Hill (again). Shibden Park later

After yesterday's outing on Soil Hill, I though I'd give it another go but via the contour path that goes WNW from Percy Road corner to pass above the quarry. I went over the apex path then home via Ned Hill Track and Taylor Lane.

A humid outing but there was a refreshing breeze on the west side , where I bumped into DJB home after his travels.


Soil Hill etc.

Pretty dead compared to yesterday.

I flushed a Skylark just after I entered the fields on Percy Rd corner.

(can't be  many Skylarks still here?).

2 Kestrel (at least).

2 Stock Dove airborne.


A Little Owl called SW of me as I was at Taylor Lane top.

A small group of Gulls were in a Roper Lane ploughed field, included 2 Herring Gulls others Gulls dotted about elsewhere.

Buzzard seen from Bradshaw Lane.

Greenfinch and a few others.

Shibden Park.

On Taylor Lane I got a phone call from Abi asking me to shoot home now! - she and her pal wanted to go to Shibden Park.

so .... I did as bade.


c100 Black Headed Gull at one point.


7 Coot (One with a leg ring).

3 Moorhen.

C30 Canada Geese.

1 White Goose.

A couple of odd, light coloured, Duck.

Not a lot else although "Merlin" reported a Treecreeper during my short venture into the woods - I did not eyeball it!

Peregrine seen on the usual chimney on the way to Shibden Park.

Pub Quiz:

In 1989 30 Million Brits watched the kiss in the climax of which brand of drink?

A Tetley

B Stella Artois

C Nescafe

D Knonenbourg 1664

Answer after the photos

Shibden Park.

Quiz Answer,

C Nescafe

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Bradshaw - Soil Hill Circular

I enjoyed a hot late morning, early afternoon hike up to and around Soil Hill today.

It was very pleasant eating my lunch time butties, sat on a big rock, on Ned Hill Track in a refreshing breeze today.

Good to chat to Diane at the bottom of Taylor Lane.

It was tough going today as I decided to take in a short section of the north slope hoping for some migrant birds in the tree line there.

Brambles and Thistles are thriving in the long, long grass - but nothing special bird-wise popped out.

Nonetheless it was a good outing.

I forgot me notepad today but found a stamp in my wallet that had lots of room to record today's rarities!

Animal Nonsense:

Sue asked if I fancied a holiday ..I waved and said "Alpaca suitcase , Bison to me lad".

When we arrived it was Otter than I liked and a little Deer in the shop who's advert  was "Weasel Everything".

I soon put on my running shoes saying "I'll have Hedgehog".

I jogged past a guy on bike who had Roe Deer then I jogged past a toilet where a Scottish guy had got stuck in he was shouting "I Kangaroo".

After the jog I was hungry for some toast, so I put some bread under the Gorilla.

I think the sun had addled me brain. today

Pub Quiz.

In the board game "Cluedo" which room can be accessed by the secret passageway from the study?

A: Boardroom

B: Kitchen

C: Ballroom

D: Living Room

Answer under the photos.


2 Heron.

A Buzzard on a post early on and a pair of Buzzard later on, all seen from Bradshaw Lane.

One of the Buzzard pair seemed to be acting strangely, pointing it's tail in the air as it laid down?

A good few Kestrel sightings - Prob 3 birds,

A few Swallow.

3 Linnet

6 Willow Warbler.

4 Whitethroat.

2 Stock Dove.

(At the foot of the diagonal path, that leads up to Soil Hill from Ned Hill Track, a bird tried to nab a Butterfly. It vamoosed really quickly and I got nowt on it!!"!)

Chaffinch, 3 Greenfinch.

Large Gulls in the distant Denholme fields - probably all Lesser  Black-backed.

A few Large Gulls overhead were also probably Lesser Black-backed.

(Dead Weasel).

Photos in some unique Blogger order:-

Quiz Answer:

B Kitchen,

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Bradshaw Fields

Not free until after tea today, after which I had my usual stroll up the bog.
Very, dull ,very still and quiet (bar a whirling wind turbine).



Stock Dove.

Little Owl,


16 Mistle Thrush.

8 Swallow.





4 Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Heron seen and Greenfinch heard from the garden.

Pub Quiz.

How long in feet is a 10 pin bowling lane?

A: 50

B: 60

C; 70

D: 80.

Answer after the photos.


B: 60

Monday 22 July 2024


A stroll around Ogden this afternoon - after a Kit Kat and a Coffee in the visitors centre café.

The rain came and I donned my waterproof trousers then immediately the rain stopped.

No more rain but the trousers kept me very, very hot - should have put them in the sack.

I went home via lanes and over Percy Road.

After tea  I was forced to walk down to The Fleece Inn for a couple of pints as Sue had her friend to visit.

One the way down 2 Little Owl and an Oystercatcher called.

Joke (just).

One cold winter's day a Farmer went out to see his cows and low and behold all his cattle were frozen to the spot.

As he stood there scratching his head another farmer drove up on his Massey Ferguson.

"What's Up?" said the 2nd farmer "and don't say a cow's tail when it's peeing".

"look at me cows" said the 1st farmer "they are not moving they are all frozen to the spot".

"No probs - I know just the person to solve your problem" said farmer No. 2 as he got on his mobile phone.

Half an hour later an elderly lady arrived - walked up to each cow - touched them on the nose - and they all began walking about as normal.

Then the elderly lady got in her car and drove off.

"Who on earth was that?" said Farmer No 1.

It was...

Pub Quiz:

From which country does the mobile phone giant Nokia originate?

A: Norway

B: Sweden

C: Denmark

D: Finland

Answer under photos.


Singing Chiffchaff.
2 Oystercatcher.
Gull numbers increasing Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Black Headed Gulls.
I don't think there was a Herring Gull although a younger large Gull could be!!!

One Common Gull was in the Taylor Lane fields.

1st / 2nd year Herring Gull (possibly)??

Pub Quiz Answer.

D Finland