Sunday 10 December 2017

√Sowerby Bridge - Winter Lights

We decided to visit the 'Winter Lights' extravaganza at Sowerby Bridge late afternoon.

Beforehand I had a good stroll along the canal / river while Sue relaxed in the 'warm as toast' station cafe - great coffee and home made Flapjack!.

The temperature was +1 or so here compared to -2 in Bradshaw.

A snow shower accompanied me for most of the walk, spoiling things a bit.

It is getting very dark soon now, and on a dull day like today, especially so.

Walking along the canal near the Moorings Pub, a scan through the trees at the river, paid dividends with my first sighting, in  a while, of a M. Goldeneye.
I did get a 'picture' but the picture is rubbish!

The bird was diving and moving swiftly and it was soon obscured by trees.

I rejoined the river, further along, but could not relocate the bird.

Just Mallards on the canal, of all 'shades'.

A walk along the Station Road towards the cafe did bring some joy though.

Thrushes were delving in leaves under dark trees just off the roadside.

2 Redwing, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush and Blackbird were here.

Earlier a Heron had flow past our house.

The venue for the winter lights had moved this year.
It was down by the Moorings, with the stage on the bottom of the cobbled road ,with a dead end further along.

The very small procession came down the cobbles to congregate in front of the stage.

A very busy, confined area, became even more busy and with so many people, here, and no where to go, except back on yourself, it became very crushed and claustrophobic for us.

We left very soon after the parade, unhappy with the safety arrangements.

Something to make you appreciate your Christmas cracker jokes, when you read them.

Books for Christmas.

Exotic cooking with garlic - Y.I. Malone.
Gone with the wind - Rufus Blownoff.
Nuts  - Lucinda Head.
Improve your memory - Ivor Gott
Water under the bridge - Mandy Lifeboats.
How to deal with getting fat - Lucinda Corsett.

Mallards in a snow shower

Some well camouflaged Thrushes:- 

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