Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Oxenhope Reservoirs .... the bird drought continues

I had the usual run out to visit the Oxenhope reservoirs on a very chilly day with a cold easterly breeze keeping the temperature at 8 degrees.
The BIG coat will be coming out soon.

Leeshaw 10:50 - 11:30.

The water was quiet here with c16 small gulls but no geese.
Lots of smaller birds were moving about - c30 Meadow and c30 Goldfinch with an unid hiding in some tall plants, possibly a Reed Bunting I thought at the time - but the pic does not support that, I don't think.
Also about there were 4 Pheasant and a couple of Red Grouse calling from the moor.
13 Lapwing left the fields to land on the shoreline and a Mistle Thrush called as it flew past high up.

Lower Laithe 11:35

Just c60 small gulls on the valve tower walkway, with a further c40 small gulls on the water.
13 Lapwing came in to land as I was leaving - the same ones I'd seen at Leeshaw no doubt.

Ponden 11:45

A Heron was in the fields as I made my way along the bumpy track near the old Ponden Mill shop.
Not a lot on the water just a few small gulls with 2 LBBG and a few Mallard on the edges.
Also here there were a few Pheasant and a Moorhen.

Leeming 12:35

As I approached Leeming, on the tarmac road, c20 Pheasant flushed from 2 fields over on my right.
A Sparrowhawk was circling high up and a Heron sat patiently on the reservoir cobbles.

c10 small gulls and a few Mallard were on the water and then I had a small bonus with a Great Crested Grebe also on the water.
There were 11 Greylag Geese feeding on the short new grass in the mud bank with another 2 or 3 Greylag on the other side.
I did a circuit, leaving the reservoir at the far end and going through the fields. 10 Long Tailed Tit landed close by, in a tiny tree, soon to fly off again.
A Jay flew over and a Sparrowhawk circled above - most probably the one seen earlier.
A pretty Wren flitted about low down in a small tree.
Through the tress I could see just a small triangle of sky and this was temporarily invaded by 6 Thrushes moving fast, possibly Redwing but they were gone before I got anything on them.
A Weasel ran across the tarmac track, disappearing into a wall as I got back to the reservoir.

I am thinking we will be hearing about water shortages soon - that should bring the rainstorms - and some Geese or Swans.


Meadow Pipit?

An Otter stone

Any idea what this is please?
Possible Dunnock but it does not look right?

Not much clearer cropped.

Very distant Mistle Thrush

Lower Laithe:

Lapwing coming in to land


Ponden Reservoir


Above the moor is on fire in the distance

Moor fire full zoom


  1. I,ll go with Dunnock John. Nice Wren pic.
    Plenty moorland fires just now courtesy gamekeepers.

  2. Cheers Bri. It's always the one you don't want it to be!
