Thursday, 1 December 2016

Hanson Lane Waxwings & Raggalds

Not a lot of birding time to spare this week.

We had a visit to Argos this morning and Sue dropped me on Hanson Lane for 15 mins. while she went to Argos.
It was a fortuitous and pleasant surprise to meet Alan T. as I left the car.
He kindly pointed out the Waxwings in a tree nearby.
There were c12 we thought - thanks Alan.

The light was poor and my pictures are no where near the quality of the pictures that have been posted on a few sites elsewhere.
Nevertheless they are a record shot for me and a real bonus.
My last Waxwings were seen 4 years ago on the canal at Bingley.

After spending most of the day with friends in Elland I managed a stroll up to the Raggalds and back.

It was late on (15:30 ish) by the time I got the the flood and it was coming dark.

c30 Fieldfare flew overhead as I walked up the Bonnet.

The flood had a few Jackdaw and small gulls with a flock of Starling zipping about.

6 Mallard came in to land on the water as I was leaving.

The football field held 90 Lapwing and 2 or 3 Starling.

A good scan for Golden Plover came up blank.

Will tomorrow bring the Crossbill my way? 
Looking at the OS map it's not far, as the crow flies, from Walshaw Dean to Ogden.

Sue mentioned a Crossbill this week, it came from Ebay, had VAT on it with 3 items on the bill but only 2 in the delivery packet!


  1. At least you found them John, I'm thinking of hitting Walshaw tomorrow as well,as only ever seen one Crossbill before and that was years ago.
