Monday, 27 February 2017

Birdcage Hill Area & Mixenden Whoopers

10:30 - 11:15

A cold showery morning and a trip to Sue's dads.
I had a saunter down Birdcage Hill to the river and canal.
The river path was extremely muddy but the canal path is tarmac which was handy!
Not a lot about in the rain.

A Song Thrush was singing from high in a tree at the bottom of the cobbeldy road.

A few Mallards were by the weir.

The riverside walk revealed a couple of Long Tailed Tits.

A Great Spotted Woodpecker sat high in a tree top - not stopping long. I nearly missed it, taking it for a Magpie.

A look at my telling bone to see if I'd missed a call from 'er in doors, revealed that I'd missed a text from B.S. at 10:30 when I was in B & Q ( or B.M.Q. as my friends' mum used to call them).

The text alerted me to 13 Whooper Swan on Mixenden Reservoir.

We went home via Mixenden and we spotted the Whoopers from high up on the road.

I went down to the reservoir and managed a few distant photos - the birds staying way over on the south west side.

I didn't stop long but there were some small gulls, Mallards and a Goldeneye also on the water.

3 ticks in 3 days - not bad at all!!

 Thanks go to NK / DW who found 'em.
DJS for the in flight 'movie' .
B.S. for the text - a great team effort.

Back home and Blackbirds and pr. Mistle Thrush are noshing Meal Worms from the wheelie bin top.

Birdcage Hill Area:-

Mixenden Reservoir:-

First glimpse of the 13 Whoopers, from the car

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