We took advantage of a Halifax Courier offer and went to Blackpool on the train for the day.
Abigail has been mentioning Sealife, Stingrays and Sharks for a few weeks now, so we took Abigail and Emma to have a look see.
Parking at Sowerby Bridge, our first train was delayed by 20 minutes but luckily we made Hebden Bridge in time to change trains for Blackpool.
The train was packed.
We managed to stow the wheelchair with some prams but we could not sit together. Abi, Emma and Sue were sideways on, on some fold down seats while I was in a different compartment next to a rather large lady.
Later on the train became even more packed with many people standing in the aisle - it reminded me of a TV programme about Indian train journeys where the travellers were hanging off the side of the train.
We found Sealife and had a good couple of hours looking at all the sea creatures.
After lunch we went to the casino - well a few 2p slot machines to be exact.
Abi needs a bit of prctice on deal or no deal.
She pressed the DEAL button on an offer of 7 tickets.
Previously she always shouted "NO DEAL" and pressed the red button.
The sun came out later and although it was very windy, it was mild and we had some fun on the beach.
An obligatory tram ride and a Mcdonalds was next on the agenda before we caught the tram and had the long wheelchair push up to the train station for the 8:30pm train.
Late Saturday evening in Blackpool is a sight to see (or not).
By the time we had dropped Emma off at White Windows and got home it was approaching midnight.
Can't wait to do it all again - once we've had a month's holiday to get over it!
A 30 minute interlude on the prom for me, away from all the hustle and bustle was very interesting.
Mainly Herring Gulls on the beach as the tide went out.
Some great colours though with colours of the sea, sky and sand combining with the different browns and greys and blacks of the Gulls.
Other than the Gulls, there was a solitary Oystercatcher and lots of Feral Pigeons on the beach.
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