An outing at last, but I stayed on the lanes/roads with the deep snow about.
Not a lot about as expected.
A Mistle Thrush was seen from Bradshaw Lane.
I went up a very snowy Taylor Lane and along Percy Road where the road has been completely cleared of snow.
Both Soil Hill track and Ned Hill Track were snow bound.
I took a quick look for Snow Bunt here and there but did not see one.
Ogden had quite a few cars, Black Headed Gull and a couple of Common Gull.
As I was leaving Ogden Water via the Promenade a flock of c21 small birds bobbed about in the air with calls very similar to Goldfinch. They dropped down quickly into bushes.
The birds appeared smaller that Goldfinch and I though of Siskin.
I cannot recognise the calls of Siskin or their flight pattern yet so I can't say for definite, but they lifted the spirits a bit.
Home was via Boggart Brigg where there were c6 Coal Tit flitting about in the conifers.
Nearing The Moorlands Inn a couple of Greenfinch called and a few Blue Tit were hereabouts also.
Pavement Lane held a good flock of chattering starling and a nice surprise a lift home from B.S. who had some good fortune at Mixenden Res - thanks a lot for for the lift Bri. it was much appreciated.
I just got home in time to take Emma back to Sowerby Bridge.
Coming home past Morrisons, a Redwing flew, agitatedly, in front of the car and a Kestrel (perhaps the cause of the agitation) was seen nearby.
A Heron flew over the house as I got in.
Taylor Lane's - Bob Sleigh Run
Little Owl vantage point - but not today!
Soil Hill - Main Track
Ned Hill Track
Percy Road
A gloomy Ogden Water
Common Gull
Carrion Crow (Very Raven like)
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