Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Local Cicular Walk

9:20 - 11:30

Mild, cloudy but extremely windy on the West side of Soil Hill.

I had a couple of hours walk about this morning to see if anything was moving.

The Raggalds Flood has a bit of juice but no takers.
A bit further along towards Kelham, the Horse field had 17 Lapwing sheltering from the wind.

From the first corner along Percy Road, I took the path that leads up the fields, to circle around to Soil Hill.

The large quarry pond, where the Okys were last year has now been bulldozed over and bereft of water.

Skylark were singing, half heartedly, competing with the wind noise. 4 Birds seen in total.

Also seen on the hill, a couple of Meadow Pipit and 2 Heron.

I did a bit of sky gazing from Ned Hill Track where there were many Gulls gliding by in the wind.

A Black Headed Gull took a real dislike to a 1st Winter Herring Gull, continually dive bombing it.
The Herring Gull, however, took it all in it's stride and did not look unduly perturbed.

No Taylor Lane Little Owl today, but as I was searching for it, a Raven cronked over Roper Lane and flew N towards Thornton.

Not a bad do.

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