Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Soil Hill - New Year's Eve

14:30 - 15:30

A final 2019 look around Soil Hill this afternoon.

Thick fog for most of the day was very reluctant to clear.
A small glimmer of hope appeared late afternoon so I risked walking up to Soil Hill in the murk. hoping that the fog would lift as the walk progressed.

The sun did come through and for a 20 minute period I was bathed in bright sunshine with blue skies!
Then the sun said 'goodbye' as the fog engulfed it, me and The Hill - time to slope off home.

I did see a few birds during the outing though.

1 Blackbird, 1 Heron, 2 Wren.
1 Meadow Pipit,1 Pheasant, Pied Wagtail and a Mistle Thrush and maybe one or two more passing me, unseen, in the fog.

With best wishes for a very happy new year and for some pine Grosbeaks, to appear in your bins, in the near future.

Dean Clough Chimney on the way to Emma's this morning.

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