Saturday, 4 January 2020

Bradshaw - Soil Hill circular

Emma and Abi today so just an hour or so to spare.
I've lost every game of Rubik's Flip with Abi.
Perhaps I don't understand the rules.

Nuisance drizzle , blown along by a brisk wind, throughout and dull with it.

At least I got a tick with my first Rook of 2020.


King Cross Area: Mistle Thrush, Redwing.

Argos Car Park: Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Redwing.

Today's Local Outing:

Rook, 3 Little Owl, Pied Wagtail.
Kestrel, 6 Fieldfare over.

and a few other sp.

Nice and steady start to my 2020 birding.
I'm pacing myself, there is a long way to go.
I don't want to burn up too soon!
Gales forecast for this week might just shift something our way or might not!

I haven't made any New Year Resolutions, yet.
But after all the chocolates, buns,cakes and biscuits I have scoffed (and that I am still scoffing) I guess diet will have to be on the list, when I make one.
Lesser Pecker tick, will be on there as well.
Mind you, it's been on the list for the last 4 years!

Peek-a -boo

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