Monday, 16 March 2020

Bingley St. Ives / Soil Hill - Mystery Black-bird

A walk with friends this morning around St. Ives Nr. Bingley with the obligatory café stop near the Coppice pond.
Very enjoyable lunch there today.

Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming.
Great Spotted Woodpecker calling.

A good selection of birds on the Coppice pond.

Soil Hill:

15:30 - 16:50

Another visit this afternoon to a cold and windy soil hill.

More or less the same birds as yesterday on the hill.

2 Skylark, 2 Meadow Pipit, 10 Lapwing, 1 Curlew.
Pheasant, 5 Mallard.

A mega distant "Black-bird" seen from the north hillside, was way, way down near the lower farm track.
Just visible through the bins and I got a really poor photo or two before it flew off.
Can't turn it into anything other than a Blackbird !

c10 Meadow Pipit seen along Taylor Lane.

St Ives:

Soil Hill:-

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