Later some warmth arrived but visibility was still iffy.
Not much time spent in the garden this morning and a cool exercise walk meant not much lingering with Sue.
Leaving home Sue immediately spotted a bird high overhead,
I took 1 photo then looked through the bins at a Herring Gull I believe and took a few more photo.
Looking at the photos now, the first photo looks like a Raptor?
The walk revealed a Pr. Pied Wagtail, Little Owl, Pheasant, Herring Gull, Skylark, Meadow Pipit and (a first for a while) a Lapwing seen from Percy Rd.
The garden watch was poor with a Greenfinch, pr. Mistle Thrush, Linnet and a solitary, distant, Swallow, tearing back and forth feeding.
A record score for me yesterday on Radio II Popmaster quiz of 21 was a flash in the pan with just 3 today - Boo Hoo.
Finished another book today "Hostage" by Robert Crais.
I really enjoyed it.
The boredom of not being out walking/birding for 3/4 hours, each day, is like a incoming tide, slowly, inexorably engulfing me .... now …...…..where are me arm bands.
Keep Safe.
These first two photos are of the same bird .. I believe.
A Herring Gull.
But the 1st photo looks like a Raptor?
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