Saturday, 9 May 2020

Sat 9th May another scorcher

Another very hot day in the garden for me today.
I opted for a later exercise walk today, hoping the weather might cool down a bit.
Many Swallows about and a Sparrowhawk that glided through the garden.
Pursued by other birds it gradually corkscrewed up high into the sky.
I though the 'other birds' were all Swallows at the time but looking at the photo I think there is one Swallow, one Woodpigeon and the rest are Starlings?
After a long wait, later on, another (or the same) Sparrowhawk, a Raven and a Buzzard were seen in the space of half an hour.
Later still another Sparrowhawk over.

A bit of a poser with one of the Raptors - looks very Red Kite(ish)

Soil Hill late evening, and apart from a nice unmentionable surprise,  nothing new really, a fox, a possible Peregrine 'stooped' straight down towards the hill side as it did a large mount obscured it.

Before I left home I though it was cooling down so I donned  a warm T Shirt for the trek up the hill.
After 30 mins or so a huge black cloud appeared and I donned my waterproofs trousers and jacket - a sure way to stop the rain.

After sweating a good while I left the hill, bumped into another birder up there, and went home along Perseverance Road.

I thought I was hallucinating when I heard loud bagpipe music.

2 Cars were on Percy Rd a white one with its tailgate up and a mature guy, at the back playing the bagpipes and a black car parked next to it, with 4 young lads admiring the view over Halifax.

Looks very Red Kite (ish) but I'm struggling with the ID

Sparrowhawk pic below:-

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