Thursday, 10 September 2020

Ringby Lane / Top

14:00 - 15:30 (ish).

A run out to Swalesmoor this aft, quite cool to begin but warmed up a bit.
Interesting outing with many Raptors seen.

All the Raptors were mobbed by Corvids as soon as they appeared.
One Corvid got some of it's own back when a Juv. Lesser Black-backed Gull took a liking to the food it was carrying.

2 or 3 Kestrel, seen at differing times - with one calling in a high pitched 'squeal' probably a young bird
One Kestrel, that I took as a Sparrowhawk, early on, had a very small sharp winged Raptor high above it.
The smaller bird diving down at the Kestrel before it went out of sight. I got a really rubbish photo - no idea what the small bird could be though.
A Buzzard got the Corvid treatment but was not bothered much.
A Sparrowhawk got the treatment as well.
Then the same (Or  a second) Sparrowhawk zoomed past my head chased by Corvids, a brown bird with the barred tail very apparent.
A Large Corvid was being mobbed by smaller Corvids - a Raven I think but I did not get a lot on it.

A Stonechat was in a tree on the Motorbike Track.
In one photo, the strange light, turned the bird Orange.

No Yellow Wag, just 3 Pied Wagtails.
c20 Linnet.
A few Meadow Pipit.
Possible Whitethroat call, but a good "look see" could not locate it!
c25 Large Gulls on the building.
c40 Small Gulls in the fields early on.

Peregrine in the usual place.

A good outing today.

(Late on parade tonight, my mouse packed in, bought in February 2020.
I've started keeping my receipts in separate envelopes with the date on it. There is so much electronic junk now that nothing seems to last long.
Took the mouse back and got a voucher for the full value from Curry's and I bought another, slightly more expensive model).

Small high Raptor - best I could do!!!!

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