Wednesday 29 December 2021

Mixenden Reservoir

Another grotty, really foggy morning in Bradshaw, improved after lunch with some brightness and short lived sunshine.

I could not get free until after lunch today, but still decided to go and check out Mixenden Reservoir even though the recently seen Smew had left (as reported on the grapevine)  this morning.

I checked out the west path very carefully in case the Smew was 'hiding' under the trees /bushes but no joy - just a Moorhen flushed from here.

The west side path was a real quagmire, especially further along, but I had me wellies on,  so I manged fine.

Dry here today and the west side was well sheltered but my scan from the east side was a tad unpleasant in the very strong gusting wind ....  it blew it me cap off , sending it down the steep slope-great.

Over 300 Starlings on the wires at Pavement Lane, Illingworth in the fog this am.


M. Goosander.

2 Pr. Goldeneye.

c50 Gulls on the water at one point (Nothing stood out to me as unusual).


Starlings in the fog this am.

1 comment:

  1. Good to get a decent count of Starlings John. They seem to like that spot with the overhead wires.
