Monday 24 January 2022

Hirst Wood Saltaire am / Ogden Water pm

One of those days.

A calm milder day today but very, very dull again.

We had a trip out to Saltaire to walk through Hirst Wood, along the river Aire and the canal.

The cricket pitch café was closed today, which was disappointing.

After lunch I had a circular walk from home, to , and around Ogden Water and met up with RH  (the famous bird scarer from Woodside).

He was in super scary mode this afternoon with birds avoiding us like the plague!!

We had an enjoyable chin wag though, and, next time we meet he promised to remove his scary mask!

I kept to the low route both ways avoiding Soil Hill today.


Hirst Wood Area:

2 Herring Gull.

2 Mistle Thrush.

3 Heron.

2 Moorhen.

5 Cormorant.

A high, distant, fly by that looked like a Cormorant at the time - might be a Goosander looking at a poor photo?

2 Greylag Geese.

A few Canada Geese.

Top of the shop was a Little Grebe on the river.

Kestrel seen along Well Heads Road on the way home.

Ogden Water:

Usual small Gulls on the water... Not much else.

Little Owl (or maybe 2) Bradshaw Fields.


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