Thursday 18 April 2024

Bridlington & Flamborough Area

Sunday 14th April 2024.

We had a few days holiday on the east coast this week.

Sunday we spent at South Cliff caravan park , Bridlington. 

Monday to Wednesday we spent at Thornwick Bay caravan site.

On Sunday we had a walk into Bridlington, where there were c40 Redshank and the same number Turnstone in the harbour area (no bins or camera).

Monday and Tuesday's weather was appalling with cold heavy showers and storm force winds at the coast making sleeping difficult.

On Monday we called at Flamborough Head where the wind kyboshed the job considerably.

Loads of Seals on the sandy beach.

Usual seabirds here included Gannet, Kittiwake and Fulmar

A potential Whitethroat sang in the wind as it passed overhead  but I did not eyeball it so who knows?

A female Stonechat and a few Linnet were here also.

Carrying on to Thornwick Bay.....

On Monday and Tuesday we found a day's reading and playing cribbage quite relaxing during the worst of the weather.

During Monday night / Tuesday morning a few awnings, and the like , took a severe battering with bits missing or splattered about.

I had a couple of trips to Thornwick Pools hide on the caravan site but the water level is the highest I've known it with no "shoreline".

A Barn Owl was seen also a few Teal and a potential Garganey was present and although the bill colour looks good for Garganey the bird looked big.

(In one photo the Bill of the Duck looks very Female Shoveller).

I have had very few Garganey sighting so my knowledge of this Duck is limited.

Anyway It's not petite enough for a Garganey!! and after all that it's probably a Mallard. 

Other than that .. not a lot.

Tuesday p.m. the rain finally packed in and we had a walk towards north landing where Sue opted for a coffee in the excellent Viking Inn while I carried on down to the small beach area.

There were some great breaking waves with Gannets , Gulls and Auks flying about.

I could not ID the Auks with any confidence at this distance and although Puffin was probably in among I didn't see any.

4 Auks were captured in a photo and they looked to have a long 'tail-end" so I'd guess they are Guillemot.

A solitary Auk dragged out of a poor photo looks good for a Razorbill.

Wednesday we had a bus ride to Bridlington.

A walk from Bridlington towards Sewerby was great with a bun in the leisure centre café helping us along.

Good to finally see some birds on the shoreline with c20 Purple Sandpiper , c15 Redshank and 3 Sanderling.

2 "Gull Types" came flying past screaming but they were too fast to ID.

Nearing Sewerby another whacker of a shower set us scurrying to the bus stop where one arrived eventually.

 On another visit to Thornwick pool hide, later,  4 Greylag Geese flew over.

Just Coot, Moorhen and Mallard with the Teal.

Walking back to the Caravan Park Merlin app reported a Redstart but I did not see it!

On our last evening in the Viking Inn we shared a platter.

You have to share, the portions here are ginormous

The Blonde beer is excellent and the staff very, very pleasant.

With some good company and good value its a little gem!

While noshing my meal I spied , through the rain pocked window, a bird on a wire. 

Bins out - Yellow Hammer -  not bad!

A Reed Bunting was heard from our site one morning.

Not my greatest visit to Thornwick Bay and although the touring site is really suffering from all this wet weather and needs some brass spending on it, we like this area and will be back.

It would appear that Haven have spent the housekeeping brass on a massive new static caravan area with another large pond affair nearer the entrance.

Some photos:-

Monday 15th.

Erosion at Flamborough Head makes for
an ever changing landscape.
Tak,e care

Kestrel ?

Tuesday 16th



Confusing Duck:-

Wednesday 17th

Purple Sandpiper

"Gull Types" screaming by/
Probably Kittiwakes but didn't sound like 'em.
Thought Tern at the time but look like Kittiwake to me.

Bridlington - near the harbour.


  1. Purple Sand's too John - or did I just miss you mentioning them.

  2. Hey up Dave.
    I like to start my "Wader Season" with a Faux Pas!
    Last time I had Purple Sand I had ONE and a long search for it.
    We saw these in poor light to start with, and I assumed Dunlin with there
    being so many! ooops!
    Reminds me of the day Sue sent me to B & Q for some Sandpaper -
    Came home with a Yellow Hammer.
    Thanks for the comment.
    Please keep a keen eye out to spot my next "deleberate" mistake...
    It won't be long !!
    John 😇🍌
