Thursday 6 June 2024


After the washout at Filey with Abi last week, we decided to try our luck with the weather with a visit to Cleethorpes this week.

The weather, on the whole, was a lot, lot better with some good sunshine on offer but the cold wind remained a feature.

Tuesday afternoon was a tad grim with some wet stuff - the same time as I decided to ride down the coast a bit to visit Tetney Marshes - which were very, very quiet.

We were staying at the Haven Caravan Park and we used the bikes quite a lot with the caravan park being quite remote - a huge place, with lots to do for kids which did not interest us much.

On Wednesday I was biking (slowly, slowly catchy up to Sue 'y') to town, when Sue heard a Cuckoo calling from some trees adjacent to a tarmac path to our left.

Cuckoo Saga:

We made a detour to see if we could locate the Cuckoo, but with just a small camera and no bins I doubted if we would see it.

The bird called loudly within 10 yds probably of us but we could not see it for the foliage.

It then flew 100 yds to another set of trees and soon began calling so we legged over towards those trees.

Again too distant to see.

After waking up and down the grassy verges a few times I happened to look down to see that I was standing in the biggest pile of doggy poop in the whole of the United Kingdom.

"Oh! blooming ummer it Sue, I have soiled my nice trainers somewhat" I barked.

We abandoned the search and carried on to town. had some lunch, a game of Crazy Golf and a look at some shops.

On our way back I had another look for the Cuckoo (Sue went back to the van),  and 2 other interested  parties joined in the hunt. 

To be fair to the Cuckoo it called and called moving between the same set of trees but no joy!!

I rode back to the van, got me big tackle out, (not easy when you are my size) and headed back for the Cuckoo. 

On the way there a Little Egret was on the salt marsh so I stopped to take it's mug shot, when......  "Camera Said - Richard Head your battery is flat".

"Oh! blooming ummer it" I said (second time today , that) - turned around, rode back, got a new battery and set off again - I was very, very relaxed now.

I now had my 'serious' birding day successfully finding and photographing the Cuckoo.

Also in the same area was a Reed Warbler and a Little Egret.

Other that the Cuckoo saga nothing much else was seen really.

An enjoyable short holiday.



(Many) Little Egret, Reed Warbler, Blackcap.

Many House Martin lovely to see.

Swallow, Oystercatcher, Skylark, Meadow Pipit.

Mute Swan. Pheasant.

Herring Gull, Whitethroat. Moorhen.

Canada Geese, Great Black-backed Gull.

And a few others.

A few Buzzard seen on the way back at the end of the M18.

From the car on the way home:-

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