Monday 2 September 2024

Bridlington, Flamborough & Hornsea Short Break

We enjoyed A few days away at the east coast lately.

3 Days in Bridlington and 3 Days in Hornsea.

Tuesday 27th August 2024.

Arrived in Bridlington this afternoon after an unusually long wait to cross Stanford Bridge on the A166.

After settling in at the Caravan and Motorhome site we caught the bus to town. 

I had a quick look at the harbour - just Great Black-backed Gull Redshank and Turnstone of note - water very high.

Wednesday 28th August 2024.

Flamborough North Landing to Sewerby Hall - a long coastal walk today.

Not much birding, no big gear , a warm day with 2 driplets of rain.

The "usual' coastal birds seen plus a few seals.

Good to get a group of Shag on the rocks.

The Viking for Pizza and Plonk was a good way to end the day.

Thursday 29th August 2024.

We had a bus ride to Thornwick Bay Caravan Park .

While Sue had a coffee and read her book I had a walk down to the now "updated" bird hide. The rear wall has been removed to make it more "open plan" to deter unsavoury types loitering here.

I managed a bitter cold 2 hours here with another (knowledgeable) birder with the wind howling through.

We enjoyed putting the world to rights while we awaited for something juicy to drop in.

A Green Sandpiper did drop in, but soon dropped out again, later it returned giving a noisy fly past only.

other birds there:- 

Moorhen. Teal. Coot. Heron. Shelduck. 11 Dunlin.

Pied Wagtail. Swallow. House Martin. 

Three Snipe. Greylag and Canada Geese.

Later a quick look at a "full" Bridlington  harbour with no shoreline mud,  paid dividends with a solitary Knot feeding on the concrete slipway .... but not for long!!

Just a few Turnstone also here.

Sandwich Tern also seen and no doubt other Terns are about but none with ID able distance.

Friday 30th August 2024.

Today we arrived at a little gem of a caravan site near Hornsea - The Stable Cottage Ponds CL site where just 5 "vans" are allowed.

We paid a visit to the excellent Hornsea Mere.

Sue had an ice cream in the café here while I had a look at the Mere.

Three other birders were here and a guy with a scope was helpful, however most birds were very, very distant in the glare of bright sunshine - no chance of any decent photographs.

I did eyeball, the hoped for, Little Gull but on this occasion the photos were very poor.

other birds:-

Gadwall. Mute Swan. Mallard. Moorhen.

Black Headed Gull. Cormorant. Teal.

Pochard. Heron. Pied Wagtail.

1 Common Sandpiper.

Poss. Garganey.

Saturday 31st August 2024.

From our site we found a really handy Bridleway path that ran for about a mile,  through fields, past 2 huge caravan sites then past the boat club and down a dodgy, half eroded, path down to the beach.

We followed this with quite a long  bright and breezy walk south along the sand,  which brought us to Hornsea beach.

4 Ringed Plover plus a few Gulls seen early on the walk .

The Plovers left north soon landing again.

From Hornsea we caught a bus to Beverley, a gem of a town, for Sue anyway.

Fish & Chips in The Angel Pub were great!

Back on the bus, then back along Hornsea then a walk . north , along the beach in a cold NE breeze which did bring the odd bird.

1 Dunlin and 4 Sanderling.

Sunday 1st September 2024.

Today we got a lift to the massive Skirlington Market and car boot, where we did not find owt to buy. Too much junk really.

Mega Moan..

We were trying to find a way back to Hornsea  from the Car boot etc (our lift were going on to Brid.)

Apparently there was a path through the caravan park to the beach, but when we asked at the office about the access  "There has been a fall out with the farmer, and the gate is shut"

We could "possibly" go along the road towards Brid for a mile then turn right through the next caravan park (if they don't object!). 

I then remembered that there was a bus around 12 noon-ish towards Hornsea ( no EE internet for us here - just Vodaphone).

So we left the Boot Sale back to the main road and headed towards Bridlington looking for a bus stop - after 1 mile ( or so it seemed along the road) we found a bus stop with timetable!  Bus due in 15 minutes.

Bus pulls up - we get on - 1 mile further on ("outside car boot sale lane") bus pulls up. 

NO bus stops either side of the road.

So we have legged it for nowt.... bus driver tells Sue "we have been waiting 2 years for a replacement bus stop".

I bet the council don't wait 2 years to collect the council tax - as if!!

Back in Hornsea we called at the mere café for a snack, had a game of putting and I gave the Mere another look.

Birds just as distant as the previous time.  but I did get a better sighting of a few Little Gulls.

We then legged it down to the beach again where there was a strong east wind and very heavy seas. 

The tide was one hour from full tide and the waves were crashing in.

Ideal conditions for a scarce birds... they were very scarce.. in fact no waders at all ! just a few Gulls and Cormorants over.

A very enjoyable break, especially the small Hornsea CL site.

Pub Quiz.

What material is Da Vinci's Mona Lisa painted on?

A. Paper.

B. Wood.

C. Lined.

D. Cloth.

Answer after the photos.

Tuesday 27th August 2024.

Pebbles are amazing,

Wednesday 28th August 2024.

Thursday 29th August 2024.

Friday 30th August 2024.

Saturday 31st August 2024.

Sunday 1st September 2024.

Pub Quiz Answer

B. Wood.

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