Thursday 19 September 2024

Thornwick Bay - Near Flamborough North Landing

A short break this week hoping to take advantage of the forecast sunny weather.

Not a bad journey here really and the weather was very kind. ( Red Kite & Buzzard on the way).

Monday 16th September 2024.

After lunch we caught the bus to Bridlington.

I had a look at the harbour but the tide was in, so not much happening apart from the usual Turnstone.

We looked at a few shops, called at the swimming baths café and looked over the sea as we had a coffee and a few biscuits.

2 Tern were diving but 'miles' off - the photo (through the window) is pretty poor!!

I reckon they are Sandwich Tern but I would be happy to be corrected!!

Just Turnstone at the waters edge as we walked to Sewerby hall to catch a bus back to Thornwick Bay. Cormorant and Great Black-backed Gulls also about.

A Cormorant had caught a large flat fish but could not manage to swallow it.

I called at Thornwick Bay Caravan park ponds, sitting in the hide for over an hour with 3 other birders , coming and going.

The Sun was a dog (at 5p.m.) shining directly into the hide.

Anyway, nothing exceptional was seen.

Birds - Hide.

Snipe, Coot, Moorhen, Little Grebe, Teal, Heron. Linnet.

Tuesday 17th September 2024.

I called to look at the Thornwick birding ponds hide this morning.

On the way there 6 Geese flew over the caravan park, and I manged just one photo of them.

It's probably safe to say they are Pinkies given all the migrating P,F.G.

However, I cannot ID them from this photo with any confidence.

The sun was good but same birds as previously seen.

Great to chat with Alan W. there today.

A real scorcher today after a cold start which caught me out.

I took the big(ish) camera and bins , a jumper, a t-shirt under my short sleeved  shirt plus a lightweight jacket.

Tough walk from Flamborough North Landing to Sewerby Hall before catching the bus back.

I hoped for some good birds at the small rocky area at Flamborough South Landing RNLI.

The C12 Waders that were on the shore looked interesting but very difficult to see.

I started to walk along the beach for a better view of the birds but I was 'unlucky' as a couple with 2 young dogs, walked all the way towards the birds allowing the dogs to run at the birds, before shouting at the dogs to stop !! 

The birds flushed , obviously, kyboshing my photo opportunity. Boo Hoo.

Bus back form Sewerby to "The Viking' for some beer and a pizza and salad to share was great - always a place to meet folk for a chat.


Sandwich Tern, Snipe, Little Grebe with Juv.

Teal, Coot, Moorhen. Oystercatcher.

Turnstone, Redshank.

Stonechat. Buzzard. Chiffchaff. House Sparrow. Linnet.


A Yellowhammer , on the cliff walk, was a nice surprize.

Wednesday 18th September 2024.

Hide ponds disappointedly quiet this holiday for both my a.m. and p.m. visits today.

A cloudy morning gave way to hot sunshine later.

We caught a bus to Bridlington and walked back via Sewerby and then up through the woods to Danes Dyke café.

We carried on through Flamborough village to Thornwick Bay.

I regretted buying a heavy dictionary in a charity shop in Bridlington earlier. This, plus the heavy camera and bins became quite a liability , walking in the heat.


Harbour:- c20 Redshank. c10 Turnstone.1 Swallow.

Beach near Sewerby : Sanderling and one Ringed Plover. Buzzard.

c20 Teal in flight seen from the coast path. 2 Kestrel.

Thornwick Bay Ponds Hide: 3 Snipe plus Teal.

Final late evening walk from the caravan park to the cliffs.

2 Stonechat, Gannets.

I've come to realise that I cannot do these longer walks carrying my large camera , bins and stuff.

So I have to decide if I'm going birding or if we are going walking!

One thing I've noticed that the vehicle windscreen is nearly bereft of insect remains.

Years ago? it would have been plastered with them. 

Is this the result of 'efficient insecticides' and cause of bird life disappearing. 

I wonder what effect this has on plant pollination?

Pub Quiz:

Within the UK which is further east.

A. Ipswich

B. Hastings

C. Cambridge.

D, Boston.

Answer Below.

Monday 16th September 2024.

Tuesday 17th September 2024.

Pink Footed Geese Above - or not?

Not....They are  Shelduck (tks to a friend ☺)

Wednesday 18th September 2024.

Halifax Today.

Pub Quiz Answer:

A. Ipswich

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