Friday, 21 March 2025

Ilkley and Local

By - Bus - Train and Boot!

I dressed for summer again today but it turned out a tad coooooool.

We caught the 9.04 am bus to Keighley (cost £2 each early but - magic value) and were greeted by an Ilkley bus waiting for us as we arrived in Keighley.

We got off the Ilkley bus about a mile out of town and walked in along the river on the Dalesway Path.

Just a small camera with me today - but a few birds did pop up.

We stopped off at the really excellent Ilkley Tennis Club cafe where we had a coffee and shared  a Scone with jam and cream (all for £8) - (Big tummy says "Whats this with all these cafe visits of late").

Arriving in Ilkley we decided to buy some train tickets (for a change)  to get back to Halifax which were quite reasonably priced.

After an hour or two shopping, where I managed to keep all my £100 notes intact in my wallet we called at Spoons for a pop and a light lunch.

The train journeys were very good even given that we had to change stations in Bradford from Forster square one to the Interchange one, connecting with the Halifax train with just 5 minutes to wait.

I just had time for a quick look at the local fields before dark and it was cold in the strong wind.



(Lapwing and Oystercatcher seen from the train).

6 Chiffchaff (4 singing).


Pied Wagtail.

Little Egret. (picked out by hawk eye Sue).

Pair Mandarin Duck.

2 Nuthatch.

Female Goosander.

Singing Mistle Thrush.

1 Redshank.

2 Oystercatcher.

Just a few Gulls.

2 Greylag Geese.


2 Curlew calling from afar.

Singing Mistle Thrush.

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