Sunday 3 August 2014

Ogden – The hunt goes on.

14:00  - 18:00

A circuit or 2 around Ogden then a very quick exit over Soil Hill where the breeze turned decidedly gale like.

The high point of the visit was a chance meeting with B.S. in the car park.
(Hope we both can spare a bit more time for a chat next time we bump into each other Bri.).


No waders (that I could see).

However a bonus with a Juv. G.C.G.
Mainly BHG with the usual Canada and Mallard population. A few LBBG.

LTT, Chiffchaff, Coal Tit, Swallow.

Soil Hill area.

Pied Wagtail, Kestrel, Linnet, Wren.

Also coming down into Bradshaw a Kestrel like bird – picture very poor though.

Also a racing pigeon sitting on the shore at Ogden taking a breather.

Queensbury Church in the distance.What time is it?

Home Time

A Kestrel like bird -  Honest.


  1. Good zoom in on the church John. Nice to meet you at Ogden, as you say , no waders and didnt even find the juv Grebe, nice photos.
