Saturday 2 August 2014


10:00 - 12:30

Granddaughter day but time for a trip to ....... let me think... Ogden.

Better day, bird wise, today.Still nothing vaguely exciting on the water though.
A couple of Herring Gull calling and wheeling for a few mins over the clough, on my way back from Giants Tooth.
Pictures difficult with the dull misty weather as you will notice!
At least I've found a way to identify the 2 Green Bridges (Jake & Jonny).


Usual sp. on the water.
Swallow.Wren , one behaving like a Treecreeper.
Nuthatch -  one seen and another calling.
Pleased with the Nuthatch sighting, it's been a while since I've got one, not on the nuts!
Goldcrest (at last). Coal Tit.
LTT: 2 at Giants Tooth and 2 on the circuit.
Grey Wagtail.
2 Chiffchaff with plumage looking rather dapper.
A Meadow Pipit or 2.
Then the rain.

Still no waders but the weather has changed so here's hoping.

Another stunner.

Lots of shoreline now.


  1. Well done Bri.
    I scanned the shoreline this morning till my eyes ached but to no avail.
    You've either got it or you haven't. I guess I haven't!
    I guess the heavy rain might have helped.
