– 13:30
I just had time today for a quick visit to Soil Hill
and a cursory glance at Ogden.
I left the house and while I was chatting to Chris
next door I heard a singing Chiffchaff.
The bridleway to Soil Hill revealed Coal Tit, Great
tit, Blue Tit, c30 Starlings, 2 Linnet and a Kestrel.
On Soil Hill 3 racing pigeons were enjoying some
bird seed.
9 Meadow Pipit, c20 Goldfinch, Dunnock and a
Pheasant were also about.
the main Soil Hill track starts to descend on the north side and meets the cross
track I spotted a large bird of prey gliding low. It landed on the large newly
excavated brown soil heap about 100 yds right and ahead of me, before flying off slowly, low to
the west.
landing lower down the banking I think. It was too big for a Kestrel, it was most probably a Sparrowhawk but
Buzzard came immediately to mind when I first saw it. Any way, I waited about
for 15 mins or so but it did not re-appear so I will never know.
I did not get the bins on it but opted for the camera and looking at the pic. All
I’ve got is a lot of grass!!
Ogden 13:10
On the way to Ogden water , 4 birds were on the wires
by pottery cottage – Goldfinch – however the one on the right gave me pause for
2 Meadow Pipit were in the ‘thistle’ fields on the
way to the water and c6 Long Tailed Tit were in the woods.
I just had time for a half circuit today- 2 Cormorant , GCG with the usual gull sp. as
far as I could tell.
I've tried to upgrade to Windows 10 twice now, and after being told to "sit back and relax" Microsoft, after a couple of hours, kindly return me back to Windows 7 with the very helpful error code C1900101-4000D.
I cannot find any precise info. on the error code.
I guess one of my drivers must be out of date?
I think I'll wait for the window cleaner before trying again.
Mystery bird where are you!!!!!!!!!
I was going to update to Windows 10 after talking to NK whose done it successfully but I think i,ll back pedal now.