Friday, 4 December 2015

Bradshaw - Soil Hill - Bradshaw - Holdsworth - Oats Royd

I did my usual jaunt this morning, up the bridleway, along  Taylor Lane & Perseverance Road and up and around Soil Hill.
Then down Ned Hill Lane, Ingham Lane and down past the park to Holdsworth and then on to Oats Royd.

Soil Hill 10:40 - 11:30

I dropped some bird seen on the track and spent the next 50 minutes being blow about by a really strong wind up here.
Apart from the wind and 3 Magpies, Soil Hill kept all it’s other treasures well hidden from me today.
The lower (NK) pond held a few birds most ... probably Moorhen and Mallard but they were a long way off. A few Mallard looked to be on the pond near the Coal Lane menage but again there were a long way off.
SOIL HILL , what a waste of time!
I may as well have stayed at home and listened to my Clodagh Rodgers cassette.

But next time up here who knows, it’s got some strange charm.

The route to Oats Royd took me past Bradshaw School.
Just before the school there was a smashing surprise with possibly up to 9 Common Redpoll feeding in the Alders here.
Also in the tree there were Blue & Great Tit and Goldfinch.

I though they were house sparrow at first, because of the poor light, and I was well chuffed when I spotted one red bonce then a few more.

Oats Royd  12:35

3 Collard Dove were seen on the way down and just a Moorhen and a pr. Mallard were on the lower ponds and a Kestrel was flying over.

A chance meeting with Roy made me realise that we had both been patrons of the Omnibus more than 35 years ago.
I think I’ve seen Roy, once before down here, but I did not recognise  him at the time.

The birding suffered after that, while we had a natter about this and that ,so Oats Royd will need another proper visit before too long.

I’m colouring in some Peppa Pig activity place mats with Abigail at the moment – I think I’ve found my true vocation.

Magpies looking for my bird seed

The lower pond .. a long way away

A new flooded area

The bridleway through the farms

Somebody's put some nutty-slack on t' fire

Looking north(ish) from Holdsworth

Bradshaw Park to Swalesmoor


  1. Stonking Redpolls, a rare bird this year. Will try get a look there this weekend.

  2. Good luck Bri.
    Going up Ingham Lane they were on the left after the cul-de-sac road on the left.

  3. Well done with finding the Redpoll's John - nice one
