Thursday, 24 December 2015

Happy Christmas

No birding today, but a pretty Mistle Thrush sat on a gate post opposite the dining room window for a few minutes allowing me a pic and there were some “Santa Claus beard” clouds about as well.

A Mistle Thrush (or sometimes 2) come here each winter but, they only come into the garden, for my dried mealworms, when the weather gets very cold, snowy or frosty - so look out!

Thanks to all of you that have read my drivel during the past 12 months.

A special thanks to Brian, Nigel, Dave, Dave and Daniel for their comments and help with bird identification throughout the year. 
I really appreciate it that you take the time to look at the pictures - some of which leave a lot to be desired - wish I had a big one like Brian. 

I've asked Santa to bring me a big one ...........

and a Fork Lift Truck to carry it around with!

Hope Santa brings all you wish for – have a good one.



  1. The big one,s just a rumour John.
    The thanks should be to you John for all the time and effort you put into local birding relentlessly blogging the photos and reports and turning out in all weathers. A dozen more active birders with your enthusiasm would really put our area on the map. Not forgetting Sue, the good woman behind you, or in her case in front of you when out walking. Thanks again, keep up the good work and maybe the jokes will get better in 2016.
    All the best for Christmas.

  2. Thanks for the kind words Bri.
    Rumour has it that poundland are going to ask me to write the little cracker jokes for their "maxi delux 12 range" for next year.

    Happy Christmas to you and Lynda.
    Hooe we bump into each other over the hols.
