Tuesday 27 September 2016

Ogden to Bradshaw

14:00 - 17:15

After a long week-end with a birthday party on Saturday for Abigail with her mum and a second birthday party on Sunday with 20+ 5 & 6 year old kids complete with bouncy castle, play gym, pass the parcel etc it was nice to get out in the fresh air today.


It was cool with heavy drizzly stuff on my arrival.
After an hour or so I managed to ditch the waterproof pants and coat and enjoy a bit of sunshine.

It was a pleasant surprise to meet up with B.S. We had a short chat before we went our separate ways in search of YBW.

Later on I met a 'mature' lady on the circuit, her exact words were:-

"Do you know there is a tall man going around with a very,very large spy glass looking for Yellow Finches"!

We'd better be on the look-out for a mystery birder at Ogden by the sounds of it!

On a more serious note: 
A very stiff breeze (NW to start with changing to to have some South in it later) spoiled things a bit, putting paid to birds in passerine alley on my second circuit.


The outing started with a real surprise of 5 Tufted Duck (2 Drake as far as I could tell). They were in the middle of the water at first but kindly came over to the duck feeding area later.

3 Cormorant, 90 Small Gulls (mainly Black-headed Gull), 3 Lesser Black-backed Gull, 1 Canada Goose, Jay.

I managed an awful photo of a very mobile Treecreeper.

20+ Chaffinch were very mobile opposite passerine alley.

2 Goldcrest.

Not a lot going home, at least the strong wind was mostly behind me.

Meadow Pipit, Jackdaw and Black headed-Gull having a disagreement. Many small gulls in the fields opposition Jane Green area.

Grey Wagtail on a Barn Roof nearing home.

An enjoyable afternoon.

5 Tufted Duck

A pretty poor Treecreeper photo

Looking to Jane Green from Taylor Lane


  1. No wonder I,m not getting the photos with the spy glass, I thought it was a camera.
    Good to see you, I should have stuck with you, I still have,nt had a Treecreeper this year yet.

  2. Got the Treecreeper earlier in the drizzle - didn't see much after I left you.
    I'm never sure if it's best to go birding, separately or together?
    The kindly old dear made me smile.

    p.s. when are you posting the Yellow Finch shots?
