Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Ogden - Bradshaw

16:45 - 18:40.

After a successful day at Junction 32 shopping outlet , looking for a good winter coat for Emma, I enjoyed another look around Ogden late evening.

A very cold ESE wind here this evening but some good sunshine on the bushes on passerine alley making for a lovely sight.

First bird up was a Red Legged Partridge, seen at the end of the prom at the bottom of the track that leads up to the Withens.

The west side track was dark cold and deserted.

Passerine alley was a good deal better with c6 Goldcrest - but a good scan for YBW came up blank.

Getting a decent Goldcrest picture is hard work - do they ever rest?

Further along the track, there were c40 Goldfinch feeding in the sunshine. 
A good scan of them revealed...............only Goldfinch.

The water was quiet with c110 small gulls until a Heron disturbed the lot of them and they rose as one.

The Rhododendrons had quite a few skittish birds, flitting about.
Very difficult to pin point and impossible to photograph but there were 2 Bullfinch in there , definitely!

c50 Starling were seen on a very chilly walk home (gloves on for the first time in a while) at Syke Lane.

I was hoping for some thrushes but non seen.

More or less dark as I got home, the nights are drawing in.
An enjoyable few hours though, out and about.

Union Lane Top looking West

Think the following Goldcrest photos are bad? You should see the ones I've ditched:-

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