Saturday, 12 November 2016

Bradshaw,Taylor Lane and Soil Hill

13:30 - 15:00

Sue's dad, Ken has reached the grand age of 96 today. 
We called around to see him, with Granddaughter Emma and Great Granddaughter Abigail, this afternoon.

Beforehand, though, I managed a quick walk up to and around Soil Hill with just 20 mins or so to spare on the hill itself.

There were a flock of Lapwing in the sky over the Raggalds Flood - they were soon lost in the dark clouds that were on the eastern horizon, so I can't say how many there were.

The Little Owl was seen from Taylor Lane - I've not seen it here for a good while - one of my favourite birds. 

It sits still, so numpties like me, can get a photograph of it!!

The Grey Wagtail was by the midden on the roadside, a tad further along.

On Soil Hill main track Crows and Magpies were causing a commotion. I had a good look around but did not see what all the fuss was about.

c20 Starling were feeding in the fields then popping up onto the telegraph wires before dropping back down again.A larger bird in the group turned out to be a Fieldfare. I could only see one, which  I thought was unusual.

A Skylark flushed from the eastern side and sang briefly before leaving - a real booster to hear a Skylark up here again.

2 further Skylark took to the air and hovered in the wind, trying to decide where to go. 
A short song came from their direction also.

The rest of my visit was curtailed slightly as I promised to be back home by 15:00.

Returning via Taylor Lane, I looked again at the midden and jumped across the small drainage water ,to the wall , to get a better view.
A bird flushed from under the wall by my feet as I landed!

Woodcock came straight to mind.
It flushed like a Woodpigeon with just one loud wing beat and it made no call as it flew fairly low towards Soil Hill.

It looked too large for a Jack Snipe or Common Snipe.
(Just possible it is a Woodpigeon - though I didn't think so at the time).

An interesting and enjoyable hours walk and I just got back home dead on 3PM.

Spot the Little Owl

A Boggy Ned Hill Track

An interesting area below Roper Lane seen from Taylor Lane

Stupendous photo of bird flushed on Taylor Lane

Stupendous cropped photo of bird flushed on Taylor Lane

Stupendous cropped photo of bird leaving  Taylor Lane for Soil Hill


  1. The area below Roper Lane is where the Redstarts turned up in August last year.

  2. well spotted with the owl John and nice fieldfare shots
