Thursday, 10 November 2016

Oats Royd

13:45 - 15:30

A very cold morning so I went up Queensbury and had my ears lowered.
There were frequent cold showers that came and went today, taking most of the lying snow with them.

I eventually donned my waterproofs and thought about trying Soil Hill for Snow Bunting but opted instead to walk down and around Oats Royd.

I was fortunate with the weather, it remained dry and the sun actually came out on the return leg.

All this waffle means, yep, not a lot of birds about.


2 Grey Wagtail were by the farm below Bradshaw Park and c20 small gulls were feeding in the fields across from the main path.

Oats Royd itself revealed 6 Long Tailed Tit,  2 noisy Jay, Heron, 2 Moorhen, Goldcrest and a Wren.

Bradshaw Park had a few Blue & Great Tits and c6 Goldfinch.

No sign of the Ringed-necked Parakeet today.
I met some people who live in the flats (where it was first seen) and they said they had not seen it 'in ages'

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