Saturday, 19 November 2016

Soil Hill blizzard and a snowy day at Ogden


A real tough hike today over Soil Hill around Ogden and home via Cow Hill Gate Lane and Ingham Lane.

The snow was unrelenting once I'd got to Soil Hill, and with the wind picking up it was very unpleasant up here today.

I was hoping for Snow Bunting, even though I knew Soil Hill would be snow bound - but you never know.

There was just me, another madman with an Alsatian and 2 Magpies up here.

I dropped some bird seed on the big rock and headed off to Ogden via Ned Hill Road.

The snow continued more or less non-stop, for the next hour and a half.

It kindly packed up as I was leaving Ogden.

Ogden 14:00

Ogden had the usual Mallards and a few small gulls.
A first look over the prom. for Kingfisher was hindered by the large snow flakes spoiling the view through the soggy bins.

I took a second look , after a circuit of the water when the weather was better , but I could not locate the Kingfisher.

There were just a couple of Dunnock seen on the way around.

However, as I left Ogden and the sun popped out, half-hearted birdsong could be heard, so there was plenty of birds about, just not seen in my time today.

The trees opposite Bradshaw School held a few Goldfinch and Chaffinch.

I got home at 15:10 and the light was on the wain.

This photo sums up my day
Soil Hill area:

Looking over Soil Hill quarry towards Thornton


Wainhouse Tower & a strange cloud formation

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