11:40 - 13:00
Not much birding time today just a quick walk up and around Soil Hill before lunch to check for Snow Bunting and drop some bird seed. We had promised Abigail and Emma a trip to the Brighouse Christmas Fair.
It was a cracking day, weather wise, up here. Walter Wall Sunshine came out and it was actually warm up here, I guess 10 degrees, and I realised I'd got too many layers of clothing on.
It was a different day at Brighouse with cold dense fog in places and a temperature of 2 degrees.
A good look around found that the Little Owl was present at the bottom of Taylor Lane.
I dropped some bird seed on Soil Hill and had a look for the Snow Bunt. but did not see one.
A Common Snipe flushed from the east side and a Stonechat was silhouetted on the standing stones.
A rush back home for lunch and off to Brighouse to see 3 Camels!!
I was thinking on the way home that a Little Owl, Common Snipe and a Stonechat would have been a mega morning for me 3 years ago - now it seems birding is a bit like chocolate cake - the more I see the more I want.
My best Snipe photo to date!
Slightly better cropped
Some good finds there John and some nice weather shots, you keep dropping lucky with the Little Owl, nice one