Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Bingley Canal Redwings


11:50 - 14:30

After a bacon sarnie in the five rise locks cafe, I had a walk this afternoon with Sue and Stuart along the canal at Bingley to East Riddlesden Hall (closed winter - mid-week) and back again.

I had to keep running to catch them up, as I was constantly stopping to bird watch, while they carried on walking.

The weather was unseasonably mild with a temperature of 14 degrees at one point.

It was a pleasant afternoon out and although there has been reports of Waxwing seen further along, at Keighley Golf Course, we did not see any today.


Redwing were in good numbers, although they were exceedingly wary, and hard to see as they remained behind the hawthorn bushes.
Just one or two were kind enough to pop up to be photographed.

A Mistle Thrush and a few Long Tailed Tit were seen along with the usual smaller birds.

A Kingfisher flew past to land in bushes nearby, but we failed to pick it out.

A high, distant raptor was seen, probably a Sparrowhawk.

15 Fieldfare were seen flying over the Denholme fields on our return journey.

I had an appointment this morning for a scan of my Aorta - a routine thing for a chap my age apparently.

At least I got a laugh out of the nurses.

I was laying on the bed with the powerful lights on.
Then the lights were switched off, for the scan, it was suddenly pitch black.

"Ok - which one of you has got my wallet then?" got me a laugh.

If there had been any needles involved in the process , I'd have kept my mouth shut, of course!!

There is a Kingfisher in here - somewhere!

Definitely not a birdie shot. 

Very distant raptor cropped.

A few Redwing photos:-


  1. Good day out by the looks of it John.

  2. cheers Dave.
    The boggy fields just below the five rise locks are good to look around if you are over that way.
    Although I did not go there this time out.
