A trip around Ogden Water again this afternoon.
The weather was very unpleasant with fine drizzly stuff blowing across the water and giving bins, specs, camera and me a free wash.
The weather did brighten up for the last hour or so with some short-lived brightness.
A look for the Kingfisher from the prom on the first circuit, in the rain, failed but a gander on my second circuit came up trumps with it back on the pipework.
I took a walk beyond the first bridge on the east side for some shelter.
Under the conifers it was dark and gloomy, but it was a bit less wet.
I was well chuffed when I picked out a Treecreeper low on the trunk of a tree in the gloom.
The photograph is really poor though.
2 Coal Tit were here as well.
They were very high in the conifers and just about recognisable.
4 Goldcrest were seen on the second lap along with the usual Robin and Wren population.
As I was leaving I bumped into B.S. coming on to the night shift.
We did not natter long, as the light was fading, and I could see he was raring to get to passerine alley.
C10 small birds landed high in a tree beyond the top car park as i headed home via Boggart Brigg.
After looking at the pictures there is 1 Chaffinch and the rest are Goldfinch - no Brambling alas.
It was dark when I got back to Bradshaw - 16:00hrs.
A dark and damp Ogden Water
The same photo and hour later - a bit brighter but not much
Spot the Treecreeper
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