Friday, 30 December 2016

Bradshaw - Soil Hill

13:00 - 14:30

A strange day today weather wise with misty/murky stuff coming and going for most of the morning and bright sunshine lasting a few minutes before disappearing again.

I left home in the sun and headed to Soil Hill where thick low cloud, came in, as soon as I got going on the main track.

Taylor Lane had a dozen Starling and 3 Fieldfare.

The combined harvester had it's usual Little Owl in residence.

4 Fieldfare and 3 Starling were on a field wall near the hill.

On today's menu was Black Sunflower seed (the previous lot having been eaten by ........).

A hunt around in the poor visibility was never going to get me very far.
I did managed to eek out a Stonechat perched on a stalk on the west side hill - a Female I think.

Coming down to Ned Hill Track I flushed 2 Stock Doves, feeding nearby.

Back along Perseverance Road  c25 Lapwing were Airborne.

Just a Greenfinch seen near Daniel B's place.

The fog, of course, had gone as I arrived home.

Still it beats the January sales.

I got a joke book for Christmas.

A Roman walks into a bar and hold up 2 fingers.
Whoooa says the barman.
What's the matter says the Roman, I'm asking for 5 beers!

Also - I must tell you a joke from my joke book sometime.

A murky Stonechat


  1. Glad to see the Little Owl is still about, looked a bit grim up there today mate.

  2. Clear as a bell on the way up .... then yuk.
