Saturday, 31 December 2016

Shibden Park - Bradshaw - Soil Hill

We had a trip down to Shibden Park this morning with Abigail and Emma.

The usual birds were here:-

Black Headed Gull, Mute Swan, Coot & Moorhen.

14:15 - 15:15 Bradshaw - Soil Hill

A walk to Soil Hill was really badly timed this aft.

It was nearly "un-birdable" with a Westerly gale making the eyes water.

After dropping a helping of bird seed (the previous lot having gone) I walked the main track.
I soon realised that with this gale the west side would be horrendous so I had a quick scout around hoping for a December Snow Bunting.

Nothing at all  (excluding a few Carrion Crow) seen on the hill!

2 Fieldfare were in the Perseverance Road fields and that was my lot today!

Shibden Park:

Soil Hill Area:


  1. Happy New Year John, All the Best mate

  2. Thanks Dave.
    Have a great 2017.
    Looking forward to some mega photos from your mega camera mate!!
