Thursday, 22 December 2016

Coley Area and Raggalds

9:50 - 11:35.

A cold, cold morning with a temp. of 2 degrees at Bradshaw.
I couldn't face Soil Hill this morning and decided to have a stroll around the bridleways and lanes near Coley hoping for Woodpecker in any shape or form.


I parked at Coley church and went down the bridleway to Shutts Lane, along the  road to Priestley Green and a little way along Syke Lane where a left turn took me on a bridleway down to the A58.

I retraced my steps to Priestly Green taking a left up North Edge Lane and a right up Soper House Lane before returning to Coley Church along Coley Road.

This is a good 'poor day' walk because the paths are very good and not too boggy.

The scenery is also very pleasant with good views across to Norwood Green.

A good selection of birds were seen, although not the hoped for Woodpecker.

Plenty of Blackbirds, Blue & Great Tit and Robins about.
4 or so Goldcrest, Chaffinch, & Wren.

6 Coal Tits , 2 Long Tailed Tit, Jay.

c40 Woodpigeon, 2 Pied Wagtail.

Treecreeper, Goldfinch, c25 Redwing.
Sparrowhawk & Mistle Thrush.

A pleasant stroll on good firm paths/lanes and a bit warmer that Bradshaw with the temperature a dizzying 8 degrees as I got back in the car.


A cold blustery walk from home to Asa Nicholson's Kelham cafe and back this afternoon, revealed a Raggalds Flood that had just a few small gulls for company.

Looks like pantomimes and serious noshing for me, for the next few days.

With best wishes for a Happy Christmas and New Year.

The change over from Sky broadband to BT broadband went like a dream yesterday,  and here's me thinking it would be a nightmare.

Raggalds Area: