Monday, 26 December 2016

Soil Hell

13:30 - 14:30.

I had a break from Christmas and "enjoyed"
A very short visit to Soil Hill this aft. In a gale!
I noticed B.S's car up there, but did not bump into him.
(You mustered more perseverance than I did up there Bri hope you spotted more than I did).

A Mistle Thrush was in the fields as I went up to the Bonnet. There was no sign of the Little Owls or much else as I was blown about going up Taylor Lane.

There was a large flock of Starling feeding in the fields.

I dropped some bird seed on the main track, walked the main track and back along the East summit then legged it home.

I did pick out 2 Reed Bunting, the first by the left hand wall on the main track. The second 100 yds further along disappeared into the long grass neither wanted their picture taking!!

The sound of a Soil Hill gale:-

P1310714 from Bradshaw Rambler on Vimeo.


  1. Top video mate, what's your next production? Gladiator 2 maybe haha , only
    nobbling John, hope u had a nice Xmas

  2. Cheers Dave.
    We 've had a busy Christmas(well Sue has with - doing all the cooking - with a Christmas meal both days - today was Abigail's party).
    I've had a busy time , food doesn't eat itself you know.
    Hope you had a good rest.
