Monday, 13 February 2017

Birdcage Lane, Woodhouse Lane, Hallas Lane Canal & River

10:15 -  11:30

Where has all the snow gone!!

A very foggy start to proceedings today at Bradshaw but with a walk around Birdcage Lane area on the agenda, while Sue entertained her dad, the fog was not a great problem.

It is a very interesting area with lots of Oak Trees and plenty of Ivy etc.
Birdcage Lane held the usual birds. Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit and Long Tailed Tit.

A calling Nuthatch greeted me as I went down Birdcage Hill.

A 'solitary' Redwing was a nice 'spot' well camouflaged in a tree .......... then c30 Redwing rose in unison, from the woodland floor, into the trees!!

Another calling Nuthatch and 2 calling Jay came next, along with a Great Spotted Woodpecker , calling from Scarr Bottom Road area.
I went towards the call where there were '100's' of Woodpigeon but no Woodpecker 'spotted'.

Another nice 'spot' was, what I thought was another Woodpigeon type, but which morphed into a Male Sparrowhawk , when I got the bins on it.

A look at the river revealed a few Mallard and a short stroll along the canal held another couple of Jay.

Later in the afternoon we had a late leg stretcher from home up Ingham Lane along to Ogden, then up Keighley Road for a 16:30 stop at Asa Nich's - just got in there under the wire.

The walk home, past Keelham farm shop was a chilly affair with a cold north easterly wind for company.

Just a few lapwing seen near Ogden with possibly 2 Stock Doves flying past at a good lick and although the Raggalds Flood has plenty of juice it did not have any bird life.

Top Tip:

If you purchase a new mobile phone, and the mobile phone shop geezer, tells you he has copied you phone records to your phone from you sim - always check that he is not telling porkies BEFORE cutting you old sim card in two.

OOPs  - now where is that manual record I keep of all my numbers - I haven't a B clue!!

Birdcage Hill Area:

Spot the Jay

Nearer Home:

Distant Lapwings over Ogden

Even more distant Stock Doves.

A damp Raggalds Flood