Saturday, 6 May 2017

Bradshaw - Soil Hill - Ogden circular (Shibden Park earlier)

We had the usual trip to Shibden Park with Abigail & Emma this morning.

4 Mallard Ducklings here today, 2 Grey Wagtail, Heron, Coots - one nesting, Moorhens, Solitary Black Headed Gull.

Bradshaw - Soil Hill - Ogden circular

A late start this afternoon with Abigail wanting an adventure with Granddad at Shibden Park, just as we were all thinking we were leaving  - it involved a walk around the lake through the echoing tunnel and down by the waterfall and onto the stepping stones before we could zoom home to get some lunch.

15:30 - 19:00

A cold afternoon especially on Soil Hill's north east side where birding was grim.
Very dull with a few nuisance showers later on.
The birding was pretty dull for the most part but with one or two goodies.

I must be due a small mega if there is such a thing - soon.

A bit of a laugh was to be had going through the adventure centre where young lads were being 'clothed' with , what looked like a big inflatable see-through plastic dustbin affair.

They then walked or ran into each other - result a beetle on its back with its legs kicking in the air.
Well.. it looked funnier than in sounds.


Soil Hill: 

3 Lapwing on the tops, many Lapwing in the shay fields.
A Pr. Mallard on the lower NK pond by the looks of it, Meadow Pipit, Whitethroat in the west side bushes, 1 Swift, Skylark.

Ned Hill Track:

Whitethroat, Pheasant, Willow Warbler, 3 Drake Mallard, with their heads sticking up out of the heather - though I'd got a mega.

Coal Lane:

Lesser Black Backed Gull over, Swallow, 6 Goldfinch.
Nothing much through the plantation.


1 Swift, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler.

Ogden Water:

Lesser Black-backed Gull, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Pr. Jay, Grey Wagtail, Heron overhead, Heron by the water's edge, 3 Canada Geese.

Things picked up a bit.... thank the lord... with a Treecreeper and a Great Spotted Woodpecker seen.

Ogden - Home:

Poss. Juv. Mistle Thrush with an adult bird, Lapwing, Pied Wagtail, 1 Swift, Mistle Thrush, 2 Swallow.

Also knocking about during the outing a Little Owl.

Sorry to bore the pants off you, but some days are dull with a big D (as in the peanuts).

Awesome Swift shot.

Even more awesome!

Spot the Jay

Robin of the day


  1. You're getting spoilt John, didn't look a bad day to me mate. Heron, Whitethroat, and Little Owl always good to see and you got an early Swift

  2. Thanks Dave.
    Always looking for that special bird(s)!!
