Saturday 11 November 2017

√Shibden Park and Local stroll

Shibden Park today with Abigail on her bike and Emma in her wheelchair, making for a tight squeeze in Sue's car.
There were some pretty autumn colours today.

The usual birds here again:-

Black Headed Gull, Mallards, Coots , Moorhens and Mute Swans.

15:00 - 16:30 (dark).

Managed to squeeze in a short walk, late afternoon as the light was rapidly disappearing, hoping for a Bunting (with Sue baking with Abi this aft).

Nothing out of the usual.

Little Owl on Taylor Lane with a good few Common Gulls.
One or two Common Gulls calling frequently.
A few Starling flew low overhead.

Kestrel was seen at 3 or 4 different locations along the way, hard to say if it was the same bird each time.

It was becoming dark on Soil Hill so I did not expect much - just as well.

I took a walk along the quarry path to check the quarry 'pond' where just 3 Mallards were in residence.

A Pheasant flushed from the West hill side and there were a large flock of Lapwing, miles off in the lower Shay fields.
3 Wildfowl types on the Lower NK pond - Moorhen and a Wren popped out to say hello, not staying long enough for the camera to focus properly.

Just a Blackbird in the Ned Hill Track bushes. 

A detour to Raggalds Flood saw a decent water supply and 43 or so Lapwing.
The camera did a pretty good job to pick them out when they were only just visible through the bins.

A poor show, but if you don't look....

Eating the contents of a 'Bun tin' with a coffee now so not tooooo bad.

November has been good to me in the past, but not so far in 2017.

Shibden Park:

I know who nobby Stiles was but....

Today's abbreviation.
What does this stand for?

Local Area:


  1. Nice one Dave.
    Abigail's got the answer
    My Little Pony.
    (I know you knew the right answer though).
