Thursday 26 July 2018

A tough stroll in the humid stuff

12:47 - 14:05

Went to have my ears lowered today at Queensbury and I decided to walk home via the old railway track through Scholes and up to the Raggalds.

Very, very humid and hot it was too.

Not a lot about but an ok do.

Possible Stock Dove on the multi-coloured chimney.

Song Thrush, Blackbird, Great Spotted Woodpecker calling.
Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Swallows and 5 screeching Swifts.
A Whitethroat was a pleasing sight.

A distant pigeon turned into what looks like a Raptor to me?
Probably a Peregrine Falcon?
I've posted the pics with the cropped version in case some kind soul might venture an opinion.

The pics need a bit more study.

Pr. Collared Dove, 2 + 2 Linnet and a Little Owl completed the outing.
A Gull sp. high overhead needs some more though.
I think it's a Herring Gull.

Raptor:- ?

Herring Gull I believe.

Spot the Whitethroat.

1 comment:

  1. 19:00 A rumble of thunder and 2 Raven over the house this pm.
