Tuesday 31 July 2018

Filey - School Hols Break

After the baking weather of the last month or so, the storms came along with strong winds and rain - just in time for our holiday with Abigail and Emma at the Filey Country Caravan Park!

The park is brilliant. It's clean and tidy, with security till midnight and very friendly staff.

There is a designated, separate, disabled shower and toilet area, where Sue could get Emma sorted out in the mornings without too much grief.

I managed to squeeze in two short birding stints between our adventures.

The first was a late evening walk along the top cliffs for 45 mins and the second was another 45 mins walk up to the cliffs before we left on Tuesday 31st.


I've posted a few pics lower down.
Some of the birds that I could definitely ID were:-

Rock Pipit, Kittiwake, Gannet, Fulmar, Sandwitch Tern, Sand Martin, Kestrel, Cormorant, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Greater Black Backed Gull, Herring Gull, Black Headed Gull, Oystercatcher.

There were 'a few' that I'm still puzzling over and I will still be puzzling over next week I should imagine.

A Sparrow has me head scratching.
Looks a bit like a Tree Sparrow. but I don't think it is and I can't get a match in my bird books.
Probably a juv. Tree Sparrow? May even be a House Sparrow with an odd looking bill.

An Auk, possibly a Razorbill was miles off on the sea.

Also maybe, a Shearwater, but this sea watching is unchartered territory for me, so I may be talking BUNKUM.

Gulls always pose difficult to confidently ID,  even when I only  see a few, so I have a good few pictures to look at and puzzle over from this short stint.

I reckon I could sit on a comfy seat, on the cliff top, looking at the sea with bins and camera for a whole day - bet Abigail would have something to say about that though!

Anyway here are some photos...

Evening Outing:-


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