Friday 24 August 2018

Filey Brigg Counrty Caravan Park

As the school holidays are drawing to a close, we decided to take Abigail and her Dad to Filey for a short break.

Abi, has so much energy, we need a break after each holiday with her!
I think this holiday was here most enjoyable - she had a ball.
One evening she was still cycling around approaching 10pm.


I did manage a couple of 'little stint's' along the Brigg and the Cliffs (the ponds having to wait until another time).
I bagged my self some head scratchers and a Lifer.

The headscratchers were a Knott, that I believe is possibly moving from full summer plumage to winter plumage.(I had considered it to be a Curlew Sandpiper, at one point  - a bird that I have not seen as yet).

The other head scratcher was a small Warbler type that was seen to the north of the caravan park in the bushes by the small pond, on the left,near the cliffs.( It's probably a Willow Warbler!).
It has the 'makings' of a small brown line across it's breast that looks interesting.
After all that I think It's a Whitethroat!

Any comments would be most welcome on any of the birds - thanks.

My Lifer was a Manx Shearwater that sat as nice as pie on the rocks near the end of the Brigg -terrific.

The Brigg is a superb place - why my other holiday companions DON'T want to stop here 24/7 is beyond me!

The Brigg Café is a great place. There is a book there with some bird records and some cracking photos in it.
I don't know who update the book but it's a credit to them - well done.

Other birds:-

Sand Martin were still feeding young in a nest hole.
Swallow were still feeding young in a Ginnel in town.
Pr. Teal on the small pond and a Sedge Warbler.
A very Yellow Greenfinch, that I can't turn into anything else!

Dunlin and Summer Plumage Sanderling, Turnstone.
A few very small Waders that need some more thought.
Gannet, Tern (probably Common), Redshank.
Bar Tailed Godwit?
Interesting large Gull sporting a Yellow Ring - (unreadable).
Fulmar, Kittiwake, Great Black-backed Gull, Ringed Plover.
c10 Kestrel seen along the cliffs - looks like a cracking year for Kestrel.
Possible Merlin, late evening, on the cliffs but no pic - again!
16 Waders overhead late evening - still looking at the photo!!
And a good few other sp.
(36 Seals were on the Brigg)

A few pictures that I hope you will enjoy looking at - I certainly enjoyed taking them.

Please let me know if I've missed owt!!





Teal I believe




What have I got here??



One of at least 10 Kestrel along the cliff.

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