Tuesday 7 August 2018

Foreside Lane to Home - Whinchat

I had a really enjoyable walk with my niece, Tina, very late afternoon - evening.

An a really good reward with 3 Whinchat seen at distance near Foreside Lane.

A few Gulls were in the fields up on the top of the track there.

Many Kestrel c7 in total, seen throughout the walk.
3 Red Grouse, Pheasant, Snipe, 2 Curlew, Linnet, 6 Swift, Swallow.
Frog and a black and red caterpillar, Roe Deer.

Usual Ogden Gull sp. as far as I could tell.
Great Spotted Woodpecker calling in Ogden Woods.

c40 Goldfinch on the hill.
(A feather and an Egg!!)

A really good outing and a cracking find at last, with the Whinchat.

Look out! Sheep



  1. nice selection and great find with the Whinchats, the Caterpillar is a Fox Moth where was it seen .Thanks......

  2. Hi Andy,
    Thanks for the comment.
    The Fox cat. was in Calderdale - on the diagonal path (NE -SW) from Ned Hill Track up to Soil Hill.

  3. Foreside is always a good spot. Keep an eye on that ruin for a Black Redstart !!

  4. Cheers Dave.
    "Those were the days my friend" as song goes!
    I'm due one or some Waders at OgdenOgden soon.
