Monday 6 August 2018

A hot and humid afternoon walk

15:00 - 17:25

Bradshaw to Ogden and back today, via the farms.
Back via the plantation, Coal Lane, Ned Hill Track etc.

Things seemed to be 'on the move' for some reason today, although this post does not reflect and major sightings, bird numbers were on the increase.
Swallow were plentiful throughout the walk.

Bradshaw Area:

Little Owl, Pr. Stock Doves, Kestrel, Swallow.

Ogden Water:

A good contingent of Gulls with Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Common Gull and Black Headed Gull all seen.
A candidate for Yellow Legged Gull.
2 Cormorant.

I was a bit strapped for time this aft, so the large mixed flock of  Long Tailed Tit, Coal Tit, Blue Tit and maybe the odd Warbler (Willow or Chiffchaff - probably WW)  was not given the usual scrutiny - 30+ birds in all.

A Large Gull overhead is probably a Greater Black Backed Gull and a Raven was in the distance behind it.
20.39 update looking at the trailing wing edge it's a LBBG alas.

The Plantation had a calling Curlew and a Kestrel.

16:45 Coal Lane

A few Goldfinch c10 about here.

Ned Hill Track:

(17:00 and my niece is on her way from Bournemouth and I'm supposed to be home to greet her).

A large flock of Swallow and Goldfinch (c30 of each) were zooming about here.
The Swallow were hovering over the flower tops feeding.

Again the flock needed more time than I could spare.

A real surprise along the track was at least 4 Whitethroat.

A Little Owl was seen but Nothing much else seen as I clogged home via Percy Rd and Taylor Lane - perspiring just a tad.

An enjoyable saunter nonetheless.