Thursday 2 August 2018

Ponden, Leeshaw and Crag Lane - Foreside Lane to Bradshaw via Ogden

We had a visit to Haworth this afternoon to look at the few shops there before enjoying a fish butty, curtesy of the Golden Hind chippy, Oxenhope.
A cracking fish it was as well.

Later we had a look at Ponden and Leeshaw reservoirs.

On the way home Sue dropped me at Crag Lane, Denholme and I enjoyed a hot hike home via Ogden.



Very quiet (the boating gang were just leaving).
A few Canada Geese, 2 Moorhen and a few Mallards.


60 Canada Geese, 60 Lapwing, c20 Greylag Geese.
Pr. Cormorant.
2 Oystercatcher, c20 House Martin (high), Curlew calling.
Little Owl with a juv Little Owl calling to be fed.
A few very distant Gulls with possibly a Yellow Legged Herring Gull, but I'm not sure.

Meadow Pipit, Jay, Rook and a few other sp.

Crag Lane Denholme/ Foreside Lane to Bradshaw.

3 Mistle Thrush, Curlew, Kestrel.
A Raptor left the ruin (on the bridleway that runs south from Foreside Lane to Ogden). Probably a Kestrel but...

Snipe, Green Woodpecker called just after the ruin and a second called as I approached Ogden water, later.

Curlew calling. Pr Grey wagtail.

Usual Gulls at Ogden water as far as I could tell.
At least one Common Gull with Lesser Black-backed and Black Headed.

Nearer Home - Kestrel, Little Owl.

Y.L.G ??

Big and Little Owl

Distant Snipe



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