Wednesday 1 August 2018

Local Stroll

14:35 - 16:00

Not much time to spare this aft.
I went along the bridleway through Bradshaw farms, up Ned Hill, along Ned Hill track and up and over Soil Hill. 
Home was via Percy & Taylor lanes.
A dull overcast day with a pleasant breeze for walking.

Ned Hill Lane has had some more garbage dumped on it.


Bird of the day was Kestrel, with 6 seen.
Other than Kestrel, other birds were scarce.

A Little Owl was seen along the Bradshaw bridleway.
Swallow was seen throughout.
A solitary Swift was flying low along the fields near the farms.
A possible Stock Dove on a distant wall.
A few Lesser Black-backed and Black Headed Gulls over.
A solitary Meadow Pipit on Soil Hill.
3 distant water fowl were on the NK pond.
6 Goldfinch were on Thistles on Percy Road.
A Pied Wagtail by the threshing machine completed a mediocre outing.

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