Thursday, 31 October 2019

Swalesmoor Area a.m. - Local pm.

Ringby Lane /Top.

10:25 - 11:45.

Birds hard to come by throughout.

Cold and sunny with a chilly SE breeze, strong in places on the top.
(Snow Bunt hunt).

1 Fieldfare early on with 6 more later.
A Raven mobbed by smaller Corvids.
Green Woodpecker airborne.
3 Pied Wagtail, Wren, Dunnock.
c20 Starling. Gulls very distant.

Possible short burble from a Skylark in the long grass, but I could not locate it!

2 Meadow Pipit, Jay, 20 House Sparrow.
A Kestrel was disturbed by the Helicopter, landing!

Hag Lane circular.

11:45 - 12:50

Hoping to improve my fortunes I clogged on.

This is a real beaut. of a walk when the sun shines like today.
Green Woodpecker calling from the valley.
A few Rook in the fields.
2 Wren.
80 Starling ( 20, 40,20).
5 Goldfinch.
A small bird by a ruin was probably a Robin.
Although a Wren was at the ruin when I got there.

Bradshaw - Soil Hill.

13:45 - 15:20.

Undeterred, another Snow Bunt hunt.

A Raptor very, very high mobbed by a Gull is probably a Sparrowhawk but it looks very long bodied?
The picture at the long distance aint too great, but I was pleased to get any photo at the distance!
3 Meadow Pipit.
2 Starling.
2 or 3 Kestrel.

A Cormorant was on Mixenden Res - seen from Soil Hill top!

I told you birds were hard to come by!!

2 Really awful Raptor photos

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